先来明确一下什么是paraphrase:torepeatsomething written orspokenusing different words
也就是说当我们想要做paraphrase的题目的时候,首先你要理解原文的意思,然后用不同的书面文字呈现出来,是这个意思吧?那么注意这里的different words指的是英语的两个句子,区别于照抄原文。
步骤一: Read important parts of the source material until you fully understand its meaning.
步骤二: Take some notes and list key terms of source material.
步骤三: Write your own paragraph without looking at the source material, only using the key terms.
步骤四: Check to make sure your version captures important parts and intent of the source material.
简单理解就是:理解原文/记录关键词/根据你理解的原文和记录的关键词重新写一个句子/审视你的心句子是否呈现了核心意思。如果是,那么你就paraphrase成功;如果不是,那么很显然你改变了原文的意思,不能够达到repeat something的效果,需要重新写句子,能理解吧?
It isworthlooking atone or twoaspectsofthe waya motherbehavestowards herbaby.
paraphrase:It isusefultoobserveseveralfeaturesofhowa motheractswhen she is with hersmall child.
2. 句子关系替换:
原句:Similarly, the muscles will not grow in lengthunlessthey are attached to tendons and bones so that as the bones lengthen, they are stretched.paraphrase:Likewise,ifthe muscles are not attached to tendons and bones so that as the bones lengthen, they are stretched, they will not grow in length.
3. 转变词性:
原句:The bombexplodedand caused many casualties.
Theexplosioncaused many casualties.
4. 改变语态
原句:We canrelatea study of this kindtotexts in other media too
paraphrase:A study of this kindcan be related totexts in other media too.
5. 灵活运用各种方式
原句:It haslongbeen known that Cairo is the mostpopulouscityon earth,butno-oneknewexactlyhowpopulousit was untillast month.
paraphrase:AlthoughCairo has been theworld's mostheavily populatedcity formany years, theprecisepopulationwas not knownuntil four weeks ago.